Your support is key to helping the community and it will allow us to achieve our mission, which is to promote the spread of Italian language and culture.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Istituto Italiano Scuola depends only on tuition for classes and donations.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Istituto Italiano Scuola depends only on tuition for classes and donations.

Would you be willing to support our school and our mission? Any donation we receive will be spent to:
Improve our offerings: online classes, workshops, and activities
Upgrade our facility and equipment: classrooms, workspaces, technology, and library
Retain our talents: competitive salaries for our teachers
Our tax ID number is94-3320180
Your donation might be tax deductible, ask your tax advisors. For information about a recent change in the tax law pertaining to charitable contributions visit IRS
Credit/debit cards and PayPal
Visa, Mastercard, American Express